Project Overview


Phase V
Facilities Inventory and Condition Assessment Analysis (FICAA)

Main and Branch Interceptor Sewers, Laterals/Local Sewer Connections, and Outfall Tunnels

The Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission has retained a team of qualified consultants to perform an inspection and evaluation of its main and branch interceptor sewers, river crossings, outfalls, manholes, chambers and appurtenant items, and to develop recommendations and designs for observed deficiencies. Inspection techniques will vary, but much of the work will be completed using robotic television and multi-sensor inspection (including laser and sonar imagery) within the existing pipelines.

This work will be partly visible to the public, with trucks parked at access points and inspection equipment being taken in and out of manholes. The PVSC system service area includes 48 municipalities in 5 counties. In total, over 35 miles of sewer and 5 miles of outfall tunnel will be inspected as part of this project.

Following completion of the evaluation phase of work, recommendations for repairs will be made. Ultimately, as part of this program, PVSC anticipates up to 9 construction contracts including cleaning and debris removal, structural rehabilitation of existing pipelines and structures, and rehabilitation of specialty flow metering equipment.



  • Prevent deterioration and failure of collection system and structural failures
  • Reduce disruption in conveyance and treatment of wastewater
  • Limit discharge of raw (untreated) wastewater to the environment


  • Prevent structural failures
  • Prevent disruptive and dangerous road collapses
  • Reduce costs of planned construction projects
  • Reduce disruptive emergency repair projects



The Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC) was formed in 1902 by the New Jersey Legislature to address pollution concerns of the Passaic River and its tributaries from the Great Falls in Paterson to the confluence of the Newark Bay. PVSC owns, operates, and maintains the Main and Branch Interceptor Sewers and the Laterals & Local Sewer Connections that receive flow from the local municipalities’ collection systems.  PVSC also owns, operates, and maintains the Outfall Tunnel that discharges treated effluent from the Water Pollution Control Facilities, located in Newark, New Jersey, to the two (2) dispersion fields in New York Harbor, in the vicinity of the Robbins Reef Lighthouse.

The Main Interceptor Sewer is over 21-miles long with the Branch Interceptor Sewers and Laterals & Local Sewer Connections (as well as large and small Municipal Sewer Systems) connecting into it along its route from Paterson to the PVSC’s Newark Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant in Newark. The Main Interceptor Sewer traverses Paterson, Clifton, and Passaic within Passaic County, as well as Nutley, Belleville, and Newark within Essex County.

There are eleven (11) Branch Interceptor Sewers that total over 13.1-miles in length, and fourteen (14) Laterals & Local Sewer Connections that total over 1.5-miles in length.

There are two (2) Outfalls: Outfall 001 to New York Harbor (over 5.5 miles long); and Outfall 002 to Newark Bay (adjacent to the PVSC plant).


PVSC Historical Photos